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10 Year Anniversary

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KG was founded ten years ago on April 14th 2004.








Holy crap!



I can barely even fathom the fact that it has been this long. I meant to prepare something for this but I didn't because I just couldn't do it justice...so please bare with the stream of consciousness for a bit.


10 years ago Precious founded this place on a invisionfree board. I was the third member to join and was made admin pretty much immediately. I was a stupid high school junior who had no idea what I was doing...but we made it work somehow.


Over the course of this ten years I made and sadly lost some of the best friends anyone could ever have. I am honestly baffled as to how anyone put up with me for a huge chunk of this boards existence. . I was thinking about naming people who have left but I really don't want to miss a single one so I won't. There are so many people I miss tremendously.


I am still in awe that we have made it this far and I don't know what else I can say except that I really want to thank every single person who has popped in to these forums through all our incarnations and all the drama and everything else. I can't believe it has been this long and I love you all.


Thank you so much,

Chris Boswell


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So, I haven't been on in forever but I just got this email saying that KG has been around for a decade now and it's taken me down memory lane... Man, I remember being PM'd personally by Precious telling me to join his new forum. I miss those days when the internet was new to me and I had a ton of new friends from across the country...


I remember at first this was just a place for the hardcore Zelda Central folks to go... Me, Precious, FISSURE, Torn&Filthy, SilverSheikah, Hylian_Hanyou, Booshaw Bunny, and a few others I can't quite remember offhand... God I miss those times. I'd stay up all night chatting with all of them while eating cheese puffs and hoping my mom didn't catch me up so late.


Well, Happy anniversary everyone!!

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Why hello, guys!


Im glad Hans sent me a message, its been a very long time since I was on any of the ol' message boards. Ten years ago I was just a young kid in his first year of high school, so I hope I wasn't too annoying to anybody!


I'm friends with LM30K on facebook, but what are all ya'll up to?


(On a quick side-note, there is hope for our future generations. Im teaching high school now, and I got published in an ed journal with an article called Gamers to Readers, about reading at-risk boys in the middle school-high school age with video games. Get them hooked on reading by showing them that so many of those games are influenced by books. Yay reading!)

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At some point I got it into my head that I should write this elaborate well-thought out thing. Then I realized the best way to say thanks is to just say it.


Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.





































Big Wario




Robby K





Deku Kid

Mr. Wiggles






And of course anyone I might have missed. Trust me when I say that though you are unlisted here, youre part of it all the same.


Yes, even you Yoh. Even you.


You are all part of me.

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It's been an honor serving on this ship, captain. This forum helped teach a younger SW the finer points of Internet etiquette, BB Code, spriting, and of course gaming. Not to mention love, jealousy, humor and all of the above! I'll never forget about this special place, as it is indeed a permanent part of myself.

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I've not been here all ten years, and I've never been the most active poster, but I'm serious when I say that you guys are some of the best friends I've had. Certainly the longest - I've known some of you literally longer than I've known anyone outside of my family.

My existence here is kind of an extension of previous existence over at TFH. I was in middle school, sixth grade (I think?), when I joined TFH. Then it imploded and a couple years later I showed up here, also a new high schooler like it seems a bunch of y'all were when you joined. Now I'm gearing up for my fourth year at university.


I may have never been a big poster. Well, actually, that's the opposite of my problem, I always make big posts and not single word things I guess. But just hangin' out in here with y'all has been such an important thing to my life. I ain't plannin' to go anywhere :)

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My existence here is kind of an extension of previous existence over at TFH. I was in middle school, sixth grade (I think?), when I joined TFH. Then it imploded and a couple years later I showed up here, also a new high schooler like it seems a bunch of y'all were when you joined. Now I'm gearing up for my fourth year at university.


Ahh, TFH. That was the first real gaming community I ever joined. I believe that's where you and I met, Ego.


Its a little bit crazy to see where we all are now. I remember sitting at the library, posting on KG while we had a real estate showing to sell our house in the 8th grade... and now I teach 8th graders :D





This forum helped teach a younger SW the finer points of Internet etiquette, BB Code, spriting, and of course gaming.


Is there still a big spriter community?

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Totally, it's crazy to think how far we've gone. TFH was my first major community too, along with the much less friendly (but very talented!) Pixeltendo.

Aside from the unfortunate fact that there's not exactly a big anything community here (there's only, what, a dozen of us at most that are still active on a regular basis?), there's not much in the way of spriting going on. I still do on occasion, but it's mostly posted through my blog rather than here. I'm currently much more active doing vector stuff for the game I'm publishing, though I hope to go back to pixels eventually.


You still do any artsy things?

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I'm so happy to see that KG is still alive and well after all these years. Reading that list of names brings back so many amazing memories. It's been so long since I last checked in here and I really should stop by more often.


The best thing I did for KG was promote Hanz to admin. Well done to him for keeping the community together.


Happy anniversary!

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Totally, it's crazy to think how far we've gone. TFH was my first major community too, along with the much less friendly (but very talented!) Pixeltendo.

Aside from the unfortunate fact that there's not exactly a big anything community here (there's only, what, a dozen of us at most that are still active on a regular basis?), there's not much in the way of spriting going on. I still do on occasion, but it's mostly posted through my blog rather than here. I'm currently much more active doing vector stuff for the game I'm publishing, though I hope to go back to pixels eventually.


You still do any artsy things?


Its funny you ask-- I have forums to thank for a lot of what Im doing these days. I started in design with forum signatures, and it has expanded quite a bit.


I do graphic design on the side now, and I bring in a fair bit of money doing it-- Ive got clients on several different continents and do a lot of artwork for guitar products and bands. My "portfolio" is headwhop26.tumblr.com if you wanna check it out.


Was Princess Zelda (Stephanie King) ever on KG? I have Her to thank for much of what I do now, as well. I remember looking at her signatures and admiring the type-- and now typography is a huge hobby of mine.


I'd love to know what Phaeon, Deku Kid, Spritaek, Mr Wiggles, and Younglinkfan are doing. Facebook group?

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