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About Forte

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  1. You'd be better off looking somewhere like Gfaqs. The elitists on that board would probably be useful under these circumstances.
  2. I am, although not a raving mad fanboy like so many people are. I'm almost done with this
  3. Forte

    SMT series

    Persona 4's true ending boss was a bitch. >:O I think I'm done playing SMT games for a while...
  4. Infinity On High - Fallout Boy
  5. The girls I know aren't into computer science, but art. The girls in my programming class are all asian lolis (which I love) but fetishes don't equal love.
  6. Forte

    SMT series

    I'm 90 hours into the game. 3 weeks away from the final boss. Majority of your playing will be spent grinding, no joke.
  7. Forte

    SMT series

    Any other fans here of the Shin Megami Tensei games? Got Persona 3 and Devil Survivor, and I need to look into P4 and devil summoner... I hope someone agrees that these are some of the hardest RPGs to playthrough the first time, (after that you can start a new game+ and become broken) and they require so much grinding and luck. O_o But they have mature storylines and while the gameplay is somewhat of a cross between final fantasy and Pokémon, it's so fun! /rant
  8. Out of Exile - Audioslave
  9. I admit that I initially joked that Kira killed Micheal Jackson because he got off for touching little kids. Billy Mays was certainly annoying, but not criminally.
  10. It always sucks when celebreties die. :(
  11. I've tried a few times in the past, but FPSes and stealth games are beyond me completely. I'll look into some of these titles, so thanks. I already plan to buy when I find: FF8 Symphony of the Night Gitaroo Man :lol:
  12. I've secluded myself as a nintendo fanboy for years and years. I finally got interested enough to get a used PS2 and tackle a vast library of games I've never played. I have so far gamewise: Borrowed from friends: Tales of the Abyss Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2 Sly Cooper 2 Persona 3 FES Dynasty Warriors 5 Final Fantasy 7 Onimusha Blade Warriors Guilty Gear Isuka Okami NBA 03 (because my brother wont play anything else) Purchased: Tales of Legendia Final Fantasy 10 NHL 07 Tales of Destiny 2 (Aka Eternia) I'm up to my ass in RPGs, and there's no way I'll finish them
  13. Interesting! ...My brother and I were each gonna get a version but I think it's better to have 2 figurines and not one. That's assuming the deal still stands in America.
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