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Camera's were banned from the little Miyamoto round table, so no picture-taking allowed.


However, someone who was there confirmed that the blue girl looked a lot like the Queen Fairy from Wind Waker.




And in front of her an adult link with his back turned to the camera and his head off to the side.




This is the first thing I thought of when I seen her.

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I giggle at the thought that he wields her as a sword.


Doesn't Wind Waker follow a similar theme as LttP/OoT/TP? I mean, there are many differences, sure, however the underlying theme of challenging Ganondorf is also present in WW. In many ways, Ganondorf and Andross share a similarity by the fact that they both keep returning in each game. (with some exceptions)

Edited by Cpt. Axle
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Let me run through the series:


Dungeons: 8

Plot: Rescue Zelda

Final Boss: Ganon



Dungeons: 6

Plot: Kill Ganon's henchmen

Final Boss: Shadow Link



Dungeons: 3+7

Plot: Kill Aghanim

Final Boss: Ganon



Dungeons: 8

Plot: Awaken the Wind Fish

Final Boss: Nightmares



Dungeons: 3+6

Plot: Kill Ganondorf

Final Boss: Ganon



Dungeons: 4

Plot: Get back Majora's Mask

Final Boss: Majora



Dungeons: 8 (16 linked)

Plot: Beat Veran/Onox

Final Boss: Veran/Onox (Ganon linked)



Dungeons: 2+2

Plot: Save sister, beat Ganondorf

Final Boss: Ganondorf



Levels: 8

Plot: Defeat Vaati

Final Boss: Ganon



Dungeons: 5

Plot: Defeat Vaati

Final Boss: Vaati



Dungeons: 3+4

Plot: Defeat Zant

Final Boss: Ganondorf



Dungeons: 3+3

Plot: Save Tetra/Zelda, Defeat Bellum

Final Boss: Bellum Knight


Now that I look at it, LttP, OoT, WW, TP, and PH are all similar in that it's "get 3 items, get sword of awesomeness (except in PH), then get more stuff so that you can win". But the most similar are LttP, OoT, and TP. WW and PH have fewer dungeons and more exploration, and the overall feel is more comical and light.

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Doesn't Wind Waker follow a similar theme as LttP/OoT/TP? I mean, there are many differences, sure, however the underlying theme of challenging Ganondorf is also present in WW. In many ways, Ganondorf and Andross share a similarity by the fact that they both keep returning in each game. (with some exceptions)


The underlying theme with all games that have Ganon(dorf) somewhere in them is the actual "Legend" of Zelda. AKA; When the Triforce of Courage, Wisdom and Power come together, the Triforce is born.


That's the problem with Ganon. All he does every game, albeit with different timing, is kidnap Zelda (Wisdom) to lure Link (Courage) to him and get to create the Triforce. But he never does anything to actually influence it. And the only time he actually has the brains to do it, (Wind Waker) we get the plothole of: "YOU DIDN'T TOUCH IT FIRST GANON HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Which still makes me cringe every time I think about it.


So I hope that in this new game, they can get whatever bad guy to either: A. Have a very good reason to stay away from Link early on, or B. Have him actually pursue Link with greater force. Any and all Zelda games have no plot because the "Legend of Zelda" being the way it is, Link needs to stand next to Ganon/Bad Guy AND Zelda before anything can actually happen. There is never any suspense.


However, since Ganon actually

loses the Triforce of Power at the end of Twilight Princess,

perhaps something interesting can happen again.

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I had looked at that, and figured that the Goddesses had deemed him unworthy of the tri-force of power - either that, or Ganondorf had lost his desire for power.


You know what'd be really awesome? If the villain in the next game happens to be a trusted friend. Oooohooohooo.

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As you can see in this picture and almost every time Ganon shows it off, the top Triforce piece is Power, lower right is Courage and lower left Wisdom. I always interpreted this as Wisdom and Courage being necessary to combat Power, and keep the Triforce balanced.


The only things shown in TP that have anything remotely to do with the actual Triforce are 3 scenes; The one played directly after you leave the Lakebed Temple,



I'm not going to try to explain the end of TP as it's confusing as hell, but it seems the part that killed him was the Power piece disappearing and the wound created by first the sage sword and then the Master Sword finally begun to actually hurt him.



"Zant breaks his neck!"

part wasn't all that important I think.

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  • 1 month later...

My brother showed me the image and mentioned the Master Sword connection. It ties with the Japanese legend of tsukumogami, in which objects develop their own soul which emerges at the 100th year. Considering the sword's probable age, it is a possibility.


And yeah, after ages of lurking, I've posted again :sweatdrop:

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  • 5 months later...
It’s been a long time coming, but the next big major console Zelda game is now officially less than a year away! Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata confirmed in an interview today that a new Zelda game for the Wii will be coming out before the end of 2010.


The Zelda team have been giving hints about the content of the game for a couple of months now, and have confirmed that they will reveal a lot more about the game at E3 2010. Zelda Director Eiji Aonuma had this to say back in November 2009: “So far, the basic flow of the Zelda games is you’re exploring a field, you go to a dungeon, you conquer it and return to the field. We’re looking at altering that traditional flow. That’s all I can share, and I can’t say more until E3 next year.”


Aonuma has also stated that the last big console Zelda game, Twilight Princess, didn’t fully complete Nintendo’s objective of creating the most realistic and immersive Zelda experience ever, and says that Zelda Wii will take what they’ve built in Twilight Princess and adapt it for a more realistic playing experience.


From Zelda Universe. We'll probably learn more about it at E3 this year, since it's supposed to come out before the end of the year.

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