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Status Updates posted by Ego

  1. Happy birthday Akuma!

  2. Have I really not done a status update since I started this job five months ago?

  3. Today I start my new job. Tomorrow I sign on my own apartment. Kickstarter closes in under two weeks. Busy busy busy

  4. Today I graduated from university!

    1. Hanz



    2. Linkmaster30000


      Congrats, my friend!

    3. Robokat


      Congrats man! :)

  5. Have you ever just stared at your name on the cover of a book? It's really nice.

    1. Hanz


      I saw my name on a text book once...but it wasn't me who wrote it. Also saw it (middle initial included) on a septic truck...and that freaked me out.

  6. I suppose I haven't asked here, but does anyone here play FFXIV? I've been really into it lately.

    1. Linkmaster30000


      I've wanted to, but I don't have the money or the time to do so.

    2. Ego


      I get that. I don't really either but I'm bad at priorities :/

      It's really good though. The best MMO to spend on in a long time.

    3. Linkmaster30000


      I have a lot of friends on the Backloggery that are into it. That's also where I found some multiplayer fun with FFXI.

  7. I find that very little brings me to the same level of righteous fury as Ferguson does.

    1. Hanz
    2. Robokat


      More than anything it just terrifies me imagining what it must be like for the people there.


      Completely agreed though.

    3. Ego


      Yup. Saw a good tweet that feeling angry instead of scared is a huge privilege thing and I hadn't thought of it that way, but it's totally true.

  8. Trying to stay focused on productivity...

  9. Hey has anyone heard from Torn lately? He seems to have vanished from everywhere I used to see him.

    1. Robokat




      Was wondering the same thing last week.

    2. Linkmaster30000
    3. Ego


      I found out what happened. Check the thread I just posted.

  10. PAX Time! And with Avatar World's new draft all released I can rest easy :3

  11. This thing with Phil Fish has me enraged again. Seriously? Was his standing up for women that threatening to you people?

    1. Ego


      And with Ferguson dying down tonight I thought I'd finally have some peace in my thoughts. I'm spending so much time angry these days.

    2. Robokat


      It's a bunch of morons. They aren't worth the attention.


      This has nothing to do with Phil Fish. I think this video I watched some time ago explains it perfectly:


      Give it a watch if you'd like.

  12. Oh my goodness I fell off the status box! Stuff's been good. Almost at the next release of my game.

  13. Happy Birthday LM! Dunno if you're gonna pick today to come stop by, but enjoy it all the same!

  14. Hey Hanz, say happy birthday to oddish for me! (and hb oddish if you actually swing by today)

  15. Just who the hell do you think I am?!?! (Solid A+, now I know what you've been on about Robo)

    1. Robokat


      Yeah, it's pretty good...

  16. How've I now fallen through interesting concepts into harem shows twice in a row? I don't think I can take a third time right now. Oh, and I hope nobody actually cares that I use this status box as my personal anime comments/complaints box.

    1. Robokat


      I am grossly offended by your opinions on anime.


      Watch better shows, like KissXSis.


      (actually don't, that's a creepy pedophilia/incest show that I've only heard in passing about)

    2. Ego


      That one's on my blacklist. I've seen frames, that was enough.

  17. OK, end verdict: I feel satisfied by Kill la Kill. It had like four near-endings, and the back third was a runaway train racing to pure nonsense (eventually gaining in-universe self-awareness of this fact), but it was very fun. Its budget just made the way it used its available assets more creative, especially in music. The fanservice was very leery and creepy a lot of the time, but I'm willing to overlook that - it's not like the other shows I've watched have given me high standa...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Robokat


      Yeah, I totally agree. Supposedly it makes more sense if you´re deeper into the Fate/ fiction but for someone like me who only saw Zero that ending was just confusing as can be. I also really rolled my eyes hard when "Vampires" showed up because zombies are like the most uninspired thing ever to me. Thankfully they didn't really have a big impact on the overall plot.

    3. Robokat


      And yeah, I'm really looking forward to it as well. Hopefully they can make the remake interesting. I'm certainly looking forward to it.

    4. Ego


      As much as zombies/vampires were weird and just shoved in, I did very much like the drama of that episode! It and the one after it made the character to me.

  18. Oh btw happy birthday FISSURE! Even if you're not really around lately.

  19. So now that it's on Netflix I'm finally gonna binge Kill la Kill. It's just as bewildering as I remember.

  20. Well now Noragami is done and it was really good but who knows if there'll be another season. I hear there's like a million manga volumes though, that could be good.

  21. Kill la Kill is done. In a week the finale'll be on Hulu and I can blaze through it all, smiling when it succeeds and cringing the other 70% of the time. In the meantime, it's Comicon time!

  22. Wow, somehow Noragami is just getting better. I'm really impressed.

  23. It's weird, but I'm actually getting really sucked into Noragami. Like, legitimately, not in the sidelong-glance way I usually get into anime.

    1. Robokat


      Through complete coincidence I've watched this one as well and really like it too.


      What's your favorite thing about it?

    2. Ego


      I really like the variation between and simultaneous weirdness and familiarity in the spirits, though I'm always a big fan of a well-done spirit world. Plus it rarely indulges in traditional anime bullshit, aside from a couple fanservice jokes.


      How 'bout you?

    3. Robokat


      You put the majority of my feelings better than I ever could.


      I also like that Hiyori isn't just a doll that cries out the hero's name constantly while clasping her hands together, but actually does stuff and contributes to the narrative.

  24. Just got back from seeing Welcome To Night Vale live. Verdict: Oh my god do it if you can

    1. Ego


      My shirt is full of signatures and I bought three Jason Webley albums. So good.

    2. Hanz


      Wish I could!

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