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About winston

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  • Birthday 11/17/1992


  • Interests
    Anime, video games, and the Internet.

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  1. If I had to guess the reasoning behind this, the BotW developers likely decided early on that they were going to use some kind of character creation software to build NPCs from individual components. As it happens, the Mii creation software already existed, and would actually be quite mature by that point, (not as buggy as it was back in, say, 2010) so they wrote a script that maps each individual facial feature in the Mii API to one they had made for Zelda. Boom, instant character creator. Just add water!
  2. Happy 2021, everybody!
  3. winston

    God damn.

    This place got eaten alive by bots, where did everybody go?
  4. To be honest, you probably could have made do with one forum, but I'm glad that you're trying to preserve the history/culture of this board.
  5. I don't have a Switch yet but I hope to play this sometime in the near future. Still haven't played Skyward Sword, either, come to think of it.
  6. I've always thought the guitar bear was from some webtoon.
  7. Been checking this place every week or so for the past year. I should post more often.
  8. Neogaf is still around? I forgot it even existed. Anyway, neat stuff.
  9. Zelda looks AMAZING! That demo map alone is larger than all of Skyrim!
  10. winston

    my car is ice

    My car got broken into today. They didn't take anything valuable lol.
  11. winston


    Dang, the last game I bought was Fnaf 2 back in June for like $3, and before that I hadn't bought any new games since FE Awakening. Yeah, I'm just not a huge spender, plus I don't really have as much time to play games as I used to. Never got into collectibles.
  12. Man, I haven't gotten a bluescreen in like 6 years, and that was on a malware-ridden WinXP piece of crap.
  13. I didn't think of anything to write here.
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