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About Robokat

  • Rank
    Teiou no Neko
  • Birthday May 15


  • Interests
    The Alpha and Omega
  • Location
    Between Dimensions

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About Me

My kitty chases shadows, as her instincts demand

And sometimes the excitement gets a bit out of hand

She'll ramble and she'll scramble and she'll fly through the air

To pile on the tile at the foot of the stair.


(She says)

I meant to do that, I'll have it be known

I did it on purpose, for plans of my own,

Since you're just a human and I am a cat,

I thought I ought to mention that I meant to do that.


My kitty jumps the ravens, just to give them a scare;

She'll leap a dozen feet or so straight up in the air;

If the ravens see her heading up, they don't hang around

And both her paws are empty when she touches the ground.


When cats do something foolish, they don't run and hide

Some cynical souls say they're salving their pride;

They pull themselves together and they flourish their tails

They fluff their ruffs, or casually polish their nails.


From a kitten's book of etiquette, this lesson I take

You don't have to be embarrassed when you make a mistake

You pull yourself together, and you brush off your hat,

And tell the watching crowd, "you know, I meant to do that!"

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