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About Torn

  • Rank
    You're not in control
  • Birthday 05/24/1988


  • Interests
    Nutrition and music mostly.
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  1. So I finally bought ACIV:BF for PS4. You know, the PS4 I don't have? I'm willing to keep buying AC games, despite them getting a little stale with the whole I R ASSASSIN thing.

  2. Will I be LPing it?= Yes When?= Depends on if the PS3/XB360 only status. I originally wanted to do all post-AC3 games on PS4, and all games in order. Comet may complicate things. Again, this is kind of still rumor-based, but they are both confirmed games.
  3. Torn


    And it makes you shit for two hours. You'll be so relaxed you won't notice you're covered in shit.
  4. Torn


    *gives laxative*
  5. Torn


    Why so coughy?
  6. Torn


    I'll pick it for you.
  7. Let's put things in perspective. The first game I owned on PS3 was Assassin's Creed 1 & 2. 2 was easy for me to only die once or twice in the first try, and now if I die it's due to a glitch in the game. Assassin's Creed 1 is hard enough that I died a ridiculous amount of times. I perfected it within 5 runs. AC: Brotherhood & Revelations were full of desyncs due to stealth sections, but I can't remember the last time I died on either one. AC3 was different, I died a good amount of times, and if my noteriety is high, there's a certain part I always get boned once (I hardly eve
  8. Torn


    Snow sucks.
  9. Torn


    ------ From 800 feet in the air that's what it looks like. Disgusting!
  10. Torn


    Oh those cases, I remember they had a "USDA Food Pyramid" sticker for them. Never too early to be brainwashed!
  11. Torn

    oh god no

    I'm glad that was short because now I can ask: "What the fuck?"
  12. Torn


    Was actually inspired by Necro's song "Nirvana." Been digging the Nuttkase Remix of it.
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