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  2. Happy New Years KG! Soon, KG's 20th birthday will be upon us! We're old.
  3. Update to the inactive account policies. It now reads: Knowing Google however (remember Stadia?) I'd still recommend backing up whatever you want to keep before this December.
  4. Following in Imgur's recent footsteps, Google has decided that come December they will be deleting, among others, all YouTube videos of any account that hasn't been active in at least the last 2 years. The other stuff may also catch your attention, but for KG itself, only YouTube is really relevant right now. As with Imgur, KG has been around longer than YouTube. But suffice to say that even more than Imgur being the de facto image uploader of the last decade, YouTube has been internet video for almost the entirety of it. Please consider backing up
  5. All Imgur images currently on KG should now be saved, courtesy of Hanz and my efforts. Including signatures. Please again consider backing up anything you wish to keep.
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