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Miyamoto emphasizes the fact that Link wields no sword in the artwork.


What this could mean, I have no idea, but it sounds intriguing.




but i think zelda needs multiplayer. co-op but the kind of co-op where you could also just run around and mess with your partner. that would require all dungeon designs to be MASSIVELY different though, because if you don't constantly throw in co-op gimmicks (maybe like one person must hook shot to somewhere while another uses the bow to take down enemies?) there would be no reason. i think it's just something i'd like to try and not necessarily something i'd like to see in the next major zelda title.

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Now that I look at it, LttP, OoT, WW, TP, and PH are all similar in that it's "get 3 items, get sword of awesomeness (except in PH), then get more stuff so that you can win". But the most similar are LttP, OoT, and TP. WW and PH have fewer dungeons and more exploration, and the overall feel is more comical and light.


I'm quoting this as my first post in about a decade.


You've pointed out that formula that was getting to me since I finished Twilight Princess. TP made some nice expansions on it but I'll be more than a little disappointed if they go back on their word: "[Twilight Princess is] without a doubt, the last Zelda game

as you know it in its present form" -Miyamoto

Judging by this, I think it's reasonable to hope for a sort of game that can be "broken up" less simply than LM just presented. That would be really cool.


I would also possibly bet my life savings that the "Before the end of 2010" figure will be pushed back at least twice.

Edited by Robby K
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I'm not optimistic at all about Zelda Wii coming out in 2010. I'm realistic. Like LM said, 99% of console Zelda games have been delayed, and unless they've been working on this for a long, long time, they can't possibly have it be released in 2010. I can't emphasize that enough. When I first heard about the supposed release date, I thought to myself 'that CAN'T be true'. That's the first time I've ever said that about a video game. Ever.

I think what Phaeon means is two player puzzles...but I dunno. Two or more players would be kinda neat.

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It better not suck, and it better not Fire Truck with motion controls. Use the buttons Nintendo, either that or don't Fire Truck up Motion Controls like in TP, which i will always pretend never came out for the Wii, (It's a trap! port).


Also, i better not be transforming into a wolf in this game, i hated that in TP, everytime i was Team JacobLink i couldn't wait to get back to normal, human link.

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