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About Luxord

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  1. Luxord


    That was kinda weird.... O_o
  2. Bulma I think looks fine. Piccolo looks...I don't really know how to comment on him...
  3. Dude, it's Arc. :D

  4. Wow...you don't suppose Nintendo was on crack...
  5. COOL^^ That was awesome, I wish I could have been there to watch it.
  6. I never really noticed that...they do have some similarities.
  7. O_o This movie is going to be bizarre. I will watch it anyway. It will make a good parody.
  8. Luxord


    I would like to get DS-i but I don't have the money for it :Shifty Eyes: It looks pretty cool^^
  9. Wii: Castlevania Judgement Soul Calibur Legend Okami Avatar: the last airbender into the Inferno PS3: Assassin Creed Lord of the Rings Conquest Genji Days of the Blade Soul Calibur DS: Kingdom Hearts
  10. I would like to see a more plot twists in the game. Maybe more sadistic and powerful villains. I would like to see some of the boss fights to be more challegening. Link to use some magic in the game, that would be cool. Though I already like the Zelda game as it is...though a few changes won't hurt I suppose.
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