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About Haku

  • Rank
    If there were to be two omniscience's, I would be both!
  • Birthday 04/26/1989


  • Interests
    Blah de this and blah de that
  • Location
    Far across the Omniverse


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  1. Haku


    Thanks, guys. I can't wait!
  2. Haku


    If you haven't noticed, I've been very inactive on the forums for the past couple of months. It's because I've been hardcore job hunting, while taking many minimum wage jobs on the side. However... I just accepted a full time job position--in my field (Professional Writing)--and it's local! The official title is "Web Content Writer," so I'll be doing a lot of blogging, social media updates, writing articles for their website, creating key words for various search engines, coding in HTML, as well as other writing duties. I start next Monday. SQUEE! :Holy Crap:
  3. Haku


    in my opinion, yes. The game is so tedious and boring, that it's a chore to actually play the game. I would watch some walkthroughs on YouTube so see if it's something you're interested in. I completely agree with LM, though. Other Paper Mario games (even Super Paper Mario, which wasn't really a Paper Mario game, but was pretty good in its own right) were hard to put down. I actually wanted to continue to play them. If I could never play Sticker Star again, that would be perfectly fine. The biggest problem I have with the game is its story progression. Sometimes, the story requires a special
  4. Haku


    If you want something like the original or The Thousand Year Door, you've bought the wrong game. Outside of the turn based mechanics, Sticker Star has removed all RPG elements out of the game. There's no party members, no experience points, no character progression, the story progression is confusing and terrible, and the story is horrendous. While I agree that most Mario games do not need a deep story, this isn't just some Mario game. It's a game that's almost entirely based around the story, the characters, the dialog, and the RPG gameplay. The game has removed almost all the staples that ar
  5. Since we don't have a dedicated thread to the Wii U, I thought I would start one. However, I'm running a little short on time, so I'll keep this thread brief, while adding some early impressions I wrote for the Wii U a few days ago. "(Regarding the system update) The system update was as bad as everyone said it was. 40 minutes of downloading on a relatively fast connection, plus a 20 minute install. The Wii U game pad is very light. I haven't had any discomfort playing New Super Mario Bros. U, though Nintendo Land is an entirely different story. Overscan is problematic with my TV, which
  6. I finished New Super Mario Bros. U last night. I'm now working on getting all the star coins, which have the same function as the Wii version. It's a great game, though some levels were a lot better and more creative than others.

  7. Haku

    This is so good

    I want to get it for Christmas. I hear it's a great Zelda 2 clone.
  8. It looks like a prequel to Dark Souls. If you've read much of the lore and compared it to the trailer, that seems like the most obvious answer. There are dragons in the game, opposed to drakes, so it would probably be before the time that Seath the Scaleless betrayed his own kind. Since it was all CGI, nothing is known about how the game will play. However, I'll willing to bet it will be similar to Demon's/Dark Souls, with some tweaks here and there. I wonder if Wii U gamers will get a chance to die? I certainty hope so. This series needs to be played by all.
  9. Haku

    The best shelf

    Holy dust-magnet, Batman! ...I don't even...
  10. I hope European gamers protest the hell out of this. It's absolutely mental!
  11. http://www.gamespot.com/news/nintendo-blocking-18-wii-u-content-in-europe-until-11-pm-report-6401246 What the hell, Nintendo of Europe?! That's why there are parental controls built into the console! And you wonder why most core gamers don't take you seriously. If this happens in America, it's going to be war.
  12. I now have a Wii U. Who else has one? My gamertag is 'RoboFrogMage'.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Haku


      Cool. I'll add you once I'm home. Do you have any multiplayer games? I'm thinking about picking up Trine 2. It looks gorgeous. Plus, it has co op.

    3. Hanz


      Not yet...but I am planning on Trine 2 as well.

    4. Haku


      Just added you.

  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJTrD3R5cj0 There you go!
  14. Definitely a step into the year 2005. Good for Nintendo purists who have been deprived of modern gaming standards.
  15. Most of it I agree with. However, I still play a lot of DDR, so I'm a little biased. I also enjoy Halo's multiplayer, so I'm pretty excited for 4.
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