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Status Replies posted by Hanz
RT @rhipratchett: Having female leads is not a 'lecture on gender theory' it's just having stories from different kinds of humans.
Nothing like paying $6 for shipping on eBay only for it to arrive in a torn Sony branded envelope inside of a clear plastic envelope telling me Canada is sorry my mail got damaged. Stop being sorry all the time Canada. I hate it when you're sorry.
Darven Vow #7: Justice and love will always win!
RT @shutupmikeginn: I fucking LOVE science.*is handed peer reviewed journal*Haha nonono I meant CGI pictures of space with misattribute…
I find that very little brings me to the same level of righteous fury as Ferguson does.
My my, what we has here...? Has it been a bit too long already since last time I was here? We gotta fix that.